FlexShortStay.com untrustworthy company

FlexShortStay.com are an untrustworthy company. Avoid this terrible company who asked me to take photos of their property which was a mess when I arrived and have still not paid me. Instead they took photos with a phone using my lighting equipment and decided they would ignore me and get away without paying me what we agreed.

I had to drive 2hrs in traffic as property is in middle of nowhere near some warehouses and when I arrived rooms were not clean with food and plates left around. Rooms where very badly lit with cheap low power bulbs and no light shades in each room. Barely furnished with cheapest furniture from ikea that still had clearance stickers on them. I even ended up helping by putting up pictures that they hadn’t put up while I had to wait around while they fixed and tidied other rooms.

They did not pay what we agreed as they thought they could get away with using phone photos which look terrible on website and have ignored my emails and calls to find a solution.

Would definitely not trust them with deposit or want to rent property from them!!!